Please tell me you guys have watched the new trailer for Professor Layton and the new world of steam!?
I have a switch!
So I will be able to get the game :D
XD hello!
Unfortunately I don't have any games but I became a fan non the less so I don't know the puzzles ;-;
I may fall behind in the new Layton game XD
Please tell me you guys have watched the new trailer for Professor Layton and the new world of steam!?
I think they called it that for the element of mystery ooooooo
Anyways, I think it sounded more cooler and mysterious and they went with that
I unfortunately don't have an opinion since I haven't played it..
You can tell me a bit about it tho
I think a lot of the time was spent on how they were going to make it work on the switch since all the games before were on the ds
And the format was different so they need to find a way to make it look good as well
Hopefully also working on beautiful cutscenes (more hopefully it is anime animated)
Just search up Nintendo news announcements reactions to the new professor Layton game
I am doing that right now and it is so funny and also hyping me up for the new game much more
Hello I say as I pop out of nowhere straight into existence.
I don't have any of the games but I got obsessed with these characters and the well animated cutscenes so I would consider getting this game if it provides!
Just found out about the professor Layton series like- 2 days ago.