Hello! So, back when the Professor Layton series was at its prime there were several clones (or if you will, "inspired Layton games", "homages" etc.) released by competitors. Pretty much all of these games have been largly forgotten for various reasons. I would like to know if anyone here remember any past notable Layton-like game that caught your eye.
For me I can only remember these four, and only two of them were released outside Japan.
*Zac to Ombra: Maboroshi no Yuuenchi (October 2010, Japan only, Konami)
The title reads Zack & Ombra: Amusement park of illusion in Google Translate (not reliable, I know). This one gives me Negima vibes. I heard somewhere the puzzles in the gameplay are mostly illusion tricks.
*Treasure Report: Kikai Jikake no Isan (May 2011, Japan only, Bandai Namco Games)
This was one of the more interesting looking Layton clones back then, and still is imo. Too bad it was never given more attention.
*Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (July 2011, Konami)
Possibly the most well known of the Layton clones. I remember giving the game a try and it was somewhat decent but nothing special. Was not really impressed with this one. Can't remember if I followed or the whole story.
*Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (January 2012, Sega)
One of the more unique clones and my personal favorite. Elite Beats Agents x Layton? Oh yeah! ;) I would love a port to the Switch.
So there you go. What about everyone else here?