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Professor Layton Wiki

If you were looking for the character named Benny in the French version of Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, see Stumble.

Benny, called Benni in the British version, is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. He lives in San Grio.


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Only read this section after finishing the game! Click to skip spoilers.

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy[]

Benni was a young boy who was dressed in a bunny suit. He attempted to sell popono’s to Layton and co. but to no avail.

Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy[]

Benny appears in London, now as an adult. He still wears the same type of suit and again tries to sell the popono's from San Grio, with few success.

Spoilers end here


Azran Legacy[]

US Version

A roaming popoño seller probably best known as "that pushy salesman in the rabbit costume". His sales technique involves grabbing unsuspecting tourists and refusing to let them go until they have bought souvenirs crafted by his family. Incidentally, the popoños he sells are of very high quality.

UK Version

A roaming popoño seller probably best known as "that pushy guy in the rabbit suit". His sales technique involves grabbing unsuspecting tourists and refusing to let them go until they have bought souvenirs crafted by his family. Incidentally, the popoños he sells are of very high quality.

Millionaires' Conspiracy[]

A street seller who's come to sell his popoño wares all the way from San Grio. Unfortunately, nobody seems to want them. Is it the bunny outfit that's putting them off?


  • His name comes from 'bunny', referencing the bunny suit he always wears. Likewise, his Japanese name is derived from 'ウサギ' (usagi), the Japanese word for bunny/rabbit.