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Professor Layton Wiki

Bob Bracket is a minor character appearing in Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy. He appears occasionally on some of the cases.



Bob is a young man who has dark blonde hair, a pink necktie, a white long-sleeved shirt under a brown jacket with matching pants. He has a very small face compared to his haircut and the rest of his head, and nothing much in the way of his facial features (spare his nose) are very defined.


Bob certainly stands out in the series as a more eccentric character than most, mainly down to the fact that he emphasises when he's parenthesising information. He has a major proclivity to go off on a tangent when talking about a topic he understands or enjoys, which may hint at him being on the Autistic Spectrum, or at least neurodivergent. He isn't really one to use a lot of animated body language.


Millionaire Conspiracy[]

Case 3: The Stolen Kiss[]

When Katrielle and Ernest talk to him, Bob reveals to be a huge fan of Mr. Rector's films and that he was going to watch his latest movie at the Saveloy theatre.

Case 7: Ratman Returns[]

He is standing at Guildhall, where he tells Katrielle and Ernest that he was saved by Ratman when he was being attacked by some robbers who tried to steal his money.

Layton Mystery Detective Agency[]

In the anime, Bob Bracket briefly appears in the adaptation of Case 7, File 7: Ratman Returns, being harassed by a yet to be reformed Mo Heecan and his gang, before Ratman intervened.

After that, Bob Bracket stops having any other role for the rest of the anime series, only briefly appearing in the background as a generic passerby in various other episodes, alongside other minor Millionaires' Conspiracy characters.


Bob Bracket Profile

A city businessman and know-it-all. Though quiet most of the time, he gets very animated when it comes to films. He's always lingering by the film section of magazine racks.


  • His last name is a reference to the fact that he says "open bracket" and "close bracket" when talking.