Crumm is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Curious Village. He owns the café of St. Mystere.
Crumm has quite a heavy build, with a long and curved discoloured nose and a wide chin and a noticeable scar on his left cheek. His dark brown hair is long and unkept . He wears a red polo shirt with grey shorts secured with a white belt. He also wears white socks, brown shoes with laces, and a grey cap.
Crumm is a straight speaking person, always keeping himself well informed by gossip from his customers, but kind enough to help those around his café. He cares deeply about St Mystere to the point of being hesitant to share gossip amongst outsiders for fear that crazy rumours could be spread. His brother is Crouton, who runs the restaurant in the village.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village[]
When Layton and Luke entered Crumm's café after nightfall to ask about the rumours pertaining to a kidnapper in the village, Crumm at first was reluctant to answer, wary of the idea of them leaving the village and spreading untrue rumours to the outside world. With 30 puzzles solved however, he was happy to lead them in the direction of Prosciutto, a regular at his café who swore by a rumour of a strange old man kidnapping villagers during the night.
Spoilers end here
During the course of Curious Village, Crumm gives no puzzles.

Crumm manages the town cafe. While his bulk and stature might suggest otherwise, he's a big softie on the inside and loves small animals. He's Crouton's brother.
Professor Layton and the Curious Village | Characters in|
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Minor | |
Animals |