Professor Layton Wiki

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Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
You currently viewing the page for Nick, Flick's name in the British version of Professor Layton and the Curious Village. You may be looking for Nick, a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.

Flick (Nick in the British version) is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Curious Village.



Flick is a short, young-looking man with ginger hair, round glasses with red frames that conceal his eyes, and large front teeth. He wears a light grey top with a dark green sweater vest over it, dark red trousers, and brown shoes. In his hand, he holds a silver coin.


Flick is much older than he looks, often lingering in the restaurant and challenging Layton with difficult puzzles.


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Only read this section after finishing the game! Click to skip spoilers.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village[]

Flick was only ever seen in Crouton's restaurant, never without a coin tossed about in his hand.

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During the course of Curious Village, Flick gives Layton and Luke the following puzzles:


Flick is a regular patron of the town restaurant and is nuts about coins. He looks like a teenager, but he's actually 28 years old and married, though no one has ever seen his wife.
