Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

Folsense Station is a location in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.

The town of Folsense, accessible only via the Molentary Express, has but a single train station, located at the southernmost tip of the town, marking the final destination of the deluxe carriage of the Molentary Express on its long trek from London. This is also the location where Layton, Luke and "Flora" take their first breath of the town's hallucinogenic gas. Upon exiting the station for the first time, the trio encounter the brightened and glamorous Folsense of fifty years ago. If Layton and Luke return to the station anytime after Chapter 3 they can no longer access the train. In front of the station, Rory is usually found. He is there waiting for his long lost girlfriend who left him many, many moons ago. In front of the station is also a circular plaza and a clock.
