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Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

Gregorio is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. He enjoys chess and offers the player several "Knight's Tour" puzzles. He is a wiz at chess just like Flick from Professor Layton and the Curious Village. He stands just outside the Herzen Museum in Folsense.

However, Gregorio, along with the rest of Folsense and its residents, turned out be an illusion created by a gas coming from Herzen Castle. The real Gregorio existed fifty years ago, the illusion of him disappears when the castle collapsed clogging up the hole where the gas spewed out.


Gregorio, like most residents of Folsense, gives Layton and Luke some puzzles to think about. The puzzles Gregorio gives you are the knight's tour puzzles ("The Knight's Tour 1", "The Knight's Tour 2", and "The Knight's Tour 3").


There have been many chess fans throughout history, but few love chess like Gregorio. His love for chess extends to the decor of his house, which, naturally, consists of alternating pieces of black-and-white furniture.
