Professor Layton Wiki

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Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

Hank (Steve in the UK version) is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. He is the mechanic of the Molentary Express. Hank has a good friend who is also employed on the Molentary Express: Sally, whom is a waitress usually seen on car 6. When the train breaks down he is seen talking to Sammy trying to get the Train back together.


Hank gives Layton and Luke a couple of puzzles during their time aboard the Molentary Express. First, he is found on the outlook car on the back of the train, and is later seen again outside the train when it breaks down.

His puzzles are "Surviving in the Wild" and "Train Swap".


US Version

As the mechanic on the Molentary Express, it's Hank's job to fix whatever breaks. Besides having a soft spot for animals and candy, he's dedicated to researching new methods for keeping his trademark pompadour as gravity defying as ever.

UK Version

As the mechanic on the Molentary Express, it's Steve's job to fix whatever breaks. Besides having a soft spot for animals and sweets, he's dedicated to researching new methods for keeping his trademark quiff as gravity-defying as ever.
