Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
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'''Katrielle "Kat" Layton''' es la protagonista de ''[[Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy|Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires 'Conspiracy]]'' y ''[[Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files]]'' , y la hija del [[Professor Hershel Layton|profesor Hershel Layton]] . Kat, una "detective de resolución de acertijos" y fundadora de la [[Layton Detective Agency|Agencia de Detectives Layton]] , se ocupa de varios casos por sus compañeros [[London|londinenses]] con la esperanza de encontrar a su padre desaparecido. Ella es asistida en sus investigaciones por su devoto asistente [[Ernest Greeves]]   (Howerd Phanon en otras versiones) y un perro parlante llamado [[Sherl]] .
'''Katrielle "Kat" Layton''' is the protagonist of ''[[Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy]]'' and ''[[Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files]]'', and the daughter of [[Professor Hershel Layton]]. A "riddle-solving detective" and founder of the [[Layton Detective Agency]], Kat takes on various cases brought to her by fellow [[London]]ers in the hope of finding her missing father. She is assisted in her investigations by her devoted assistant [[Ernest Greeves]] and a talking dog named [[Sherl]].
== Perfil ==
== Profile ==
=== Apariencia ===
=== Appearance ===
Kat is a young woman with brown curly hair, rosy cheeks and blue eyes. Usually, she wears a red dress with a black bow, black leggings, and blue shoes, and adds a tan coat and a hairband with a top hat on it when in the field. She also has a wide range of other outfits, which can be changed in game. To sleep, she wears a pale yellow nightgown.
Kat es una mujer joven con cabello castaño y rizado, mejillas sonrosadas y ojos azules. Por lo general, ella usa un vestido rojo con un lazo negro, polainas negras y zapatos azules, y agrega un abrigo marrón claro y una cinta para el cabello con un sombrero de copa cuando está en el campo. Ella también tiene una amplia gama de otros atuendos, que pueden cambiar en el juego. Para dormir, ella usa un camisón amarillo pálido.
=== Personalidad ===
=== Personality ===
Katrielle is an eccentric but humourous young lady, with an active imagination in full employ when solving puzzles and crimes. She relies largely on her "miraculous instinct" to solve mysteries and jokingly mocks investigators that rely solely on concrete evidence, prompting some spectators like [[Sherl]] to credit Kat's success to dumb luck. She'll often posit highly imaginative or complex explanations for mysteries, unlike her father who is more grounded in realistic scenarios. This all leads some, such as [[Emiliana Perfetti]], to not take her seriously as a detective.
Katrielle es una joven excéntrica pero cristiana, con una imaginación activada en pleno empleo para resolver acertijos y crímenes. Ella depende en gran medida de su "instinto milagroso" para resolver misterios y se burla en broma de los investigadores que se basan en pruebas concretas, lo que llevó a algunos espectadores como [[Sherl]] y atribuyó el éxito de Kat a la tonta suerte. A menudo presentará explicaciones altamente imaginativas o complejas para los misterios, una diferencia de su padre, que se basa más en aspectos realistas. Todo esto lleva a algunos, como [[Emiliana Perfetti]] , a no tomarla en serio como detective.
Kat often appears unflappable in the face of the most bizarre mysteries, not being impressed or surprised at all that Sherl was talking, and speaking very nonchalantly about her father's past cases. She also does not seem to question her father's puzzles but is nevertheless close to him. Despite this, she can be rather intuitive, much like her father, and uses her intelligence to her advantage.
Kat a menudo parece imperturbable frente a los misterios más extraños, sin estar impresionado o sorprendido de todo lo que Sherl estaba hablando, y hablando muy despreocupadamente sobre los casos pasados ​​de su padre. Ella tampoco parece cuestionar los acertijos de su padre, pero está cerca de él. A pesar de esto, puede ser bastante intuitiva, muy parecida a su padre, y usa su inteligencia para su ventaja.
[[File:727f7df5.jpg|thumb|328px]]Sin embargo, en el anime conectado al progreso del juego, Kat se enoja rápidamente y asusta fácilmente a Ernest / Howerd
[[File:727f7df5.jpg|thumb|328px]]However, in the anime as connected to the game progressing, Kat become quick tempered and easily scares Ernest.
Kat also displays an insatiable appetite, being able to put away a large dinner and still have room for dessert, not unlike Luke Triton. She often fixated on foods, especially sweets and desserts, for which she seems to have a particular affinity, and often makes unwieldy comparisons between them and the mysteries she solves.
Kat también muestra un apetito insaciable, pudiendo guardar una gran cena y todavía tener espacio para el postre, una diferencia de Luke Triton. A menudo se obsesionaba con los alimentos, especialmente los dulces y los postres, por los cuales parece tener una afinidad particular, ya menudo hace comparaciones difíciles de manejar entre ellos y los misterios que resuelve.
== Historia ==
== History ==
===''[[Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy|El misterioso viaje de Layton: Katrielle y la conspiración de los millonarios]]''===
===''[[Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy]]''===
==== '''Pre-juego (Caso 10)''' ====
==== '''Pre-game (Case 10)''' ====
About 10 years prior the events of the game, Katrielle's father mysteriously vanished. This lead to her beginning to investigate in order to find him.
Unos 10 años antes de los eventos del juego, el padre de Katrielle desapareció misteriosamente. Esto llevó a comenzar a investigar para encontrarlo.
Algún tiempo antes de abrir la [[Layton Detective Agency|Agencia de detectives Layton]] , Katrielle se encontró con el inspector [[Ercule Hastings]] en [[Scotland Yard]] , quien, en ese momento, estaba interrogando a [[Ernest Greeves]]  / Howerd Phanon, un estudiante bajo sospecha de robar documentos de investigación que reconoció al profesor de la [[Gressenheller University|Universidad de Gressenheller,]] Dr. [[Gene Ohm]] . Disgustada por las conclusiones precipitadas de Hastings y la falta de pruebas, Kat lo convenció de liberar a Ernest / Howerd y reanudar la investigación.
Some time prior to opening the [[Layton Detective Agency]], Katrielle encountered Inspector [[Ercule Hastings]] at [[Scotland Yard]], who, at the time, was interrogating [[Ernest Greeves]], a student under suspicion of stealing research papers belonging to [[Gressenheller University]] professor Dr. [[Gene Ohm]]. Disgusted by Hastings' jumping to conclusions and lack of evidence, Kat convinced him to release Ernest and resume the investigation.
Gressenheller como su próxima parada de todos los modos, Katrielle se unió a Ernest / Howerd para regresar a la universidad, volviendo a probar su inocencia -o culpa- "en passant". Una vez allí, sus instintos la llevan a volver sobre los pasos de Ernest / Howerd ese día hasta la letra, incluso detenerse a oler rosas. Esto la llevó a descubrir la verdad del caso, limpiando el nombre de su nuevo amigo. En agradecimiento y afecto por Katrielle, Ernest / Howerd se unió a ella como asistente no remunerado.
Gressenheller being her next stop anyway, Katrielle joined Ernest in returning to the university, offering to prove his innocence -or guilt- "en passant." Once there, her instincts lead her to retrace Ernest's steps that day to the letter, including stopping to smell roses. This lead to her discovering the truth of the case, clearing her new friend's name. In appreciation and affection for Katrielle, Ernest joined her as an unpaid assistant.
==== '''Caso 01''' ====
==== '''Case 01''' ====
Poco después, Kat abrió la Agencia de detectives Layton. El lema de la agencia, "cualquier misterio resuelto", llevó un perro amnésico que ella [[Sherl|perdió Sherl]] a [[Sherl|probar]] su templo con un rompecabezas antes de alistar sus servicios para descubrir su pasado. Sin embargo, Kat puso esto en espera a favor de un caso "más interesante": el aparente robo de la aguja de una cara del [[Big Ben]] , que el inspector Hastings le dio la atención. Kat, Ernest y Sherl, que ahora maneja en equipo, conduce una investigación desde el interior de Big Ben hasta [[Chancer Lane]] , la calle en la que se encuentra encontrar la Agencia de detectives Layton, donde tiene un restaurante popular en el que trabaja [[Waiter (MJ)|un amable camarero ]] y[[Lipski's Patisserie|Pastelería de Lipski]] - dirigida por [[Aleks Lipski]] , (Cerhermano del técnico de relojes que trabaja en Big Ben, [[Hans Lipski]] . El equipo descubrió que muchos de los artículos de mobiliario y decoración en la pastelería de Lipski fueron hechos de obleas, y descubrieron los planos Para una manecilla de reloj de obleas en la papelera frente al escaparate de pastelería. De sus hallazgos en el Big Ben y en la pastelería, Kat finalmente dedujo que la manecilla del reloj que faltaba no fue robada, sino que fue derretida por la lluvia, ya que estaba hecha de obleas. Hans había roto una de las manecillas del reloj original mientras trabajaba en la torre, por lo que Aleks, su hermano, construyó una mano de señuelo de oblea para que nadie se enterara del error de Hans.
Soon afterwards, Kat opened the Layton Detective Agency. The agency's slogan, "any mystery solved," lead an amnesiac dog she dubbed [[Sherl]] to test her mettle with a puzzle before enlisting her services in uncovering his past. Kat, however, put this on hold in favor of a "more interesting" case: the apparent theft of the hour hand of one face of [[Big Ben]], brought to her attention by Inspector Hastings. Kat, Ernest and Sherl, now working as a team, lead an investigation from the inside of Big Ben to [[Chancer Lane]], the street on which the Layton Detective Agency could be found, where they visited a popular restaurant worked at by [[Waiter (MJ)|a friendly waiter]] and [[Lipski's Patisserie]] - run by [[Aleks Lipski]], brother of clock technician working in Big Ben, [[Hans Lipski]]. The team discovered many of the items of furniture and decoration in Lipski's patisserie were made of wafer, and uncovered plans for a wafer clock hand in the waste paper bin in front of the pastry showcase. From her findings in Big Ben and at the patisserie, Kat ultimately deduced that the missing clock hand was not in fact stolen, but was instead melted by the rain - as it was made of wafer. Hans had broken one of the original clock hands whilst working in the tower and so Aleks, his brother, constructed a decoy hand out of wafer so no one would find out about Hans' mistake.
==== '''Caso 02''' ====
==== '''Case 02''' ====
Una mañana, el inspector Hastings irrumpió en la agencia con una tarea que encomendó a Kat. Se trataba de un nuevo misterio, como dejó caer poco después, un caso de homicidio. Ilusionada ante la perspectiva de resolver su primer asesinato, Kat escuchó atentamente a la explicación: un hombre y una mujer se habían arrojado al Támesis al mismo tiempo y sin explicación aparente, quizás alguien los empujó desde las sombras, quizás fue simplemente por amor. Al saber que se iba a hacer cargo, el inspector se fue recomendándole ir a ver a Anne Dayle, la alcaldesa de Londres, quien podría hablarle mejor del asunto. Esta le contó que era la más afectada por el tema, debido a que su única intención era reavivar el festival del Támesis, al cual iba con su padre de pequeña, y al que nadie iba a querer ir después de lo sucedido. Mostrándose interesada por el festival, Kat pudo conseguir que Anne le hablase de su origen: una antigua leyenda en la cual ocurrió exactamente eso: el padre de la mujer prohibió a los jóvenes enamorados casarse, uno de ellos sufrió una trágica caída por la pena, y el otro, por amor, se tiró detrás. Decidieron ir a buscar pistas a orillas del río, donde Ernest / Howerd intentó invitar a Kat a tomar el té con él por la noche en el festival, pero no le hizo caso porque estaba concentrada en los interrogatorios a la gente de la zona, los cuales, por desgracia, resultaron prácticamente infructuosos, de no ser porque alguien reconoció en el hombre a un actor famoso. Esto hizo que Kat se planteara la posibilidad de que ambos fuesen actores, nadie hubiera muerto y todo fuera una farsa. Aunque Emiliana Perfetti, una criminóloga a quien también contrató Scotland Yard, criticó esta corazonada, Kat siguió el hilo hasta descubrir que fue Anne Dayle, con su espíritu de reavivar el festival, la que contrató a los actores y se acobardó cuando la policía creyó que toda la verdad. Kat decidió no delatarla, a cambio ganó una amistad que fue muy útil en casos posteriores. 
==== '''Caso 03''' ====
==== '''Case 03''' ====
==== '''Caso 04''' ====
==== '''Case 04''' ====
==== '''Caso 05''' ====
==== '''Case 05''' ====
==== '''Caso 06''' ====
==== '''Case 06''' ====
==== '''Caso 07''' ====
==== '''Case 07''' ====
==== '''Caso 08''' ====
==== '''Case 08''' ====
==== '''Caso 09''' ====
==== '''Case 09''' ====
En el día de San Godwin, una fiesta que Ernest explica se celebra en Londres durante el cual todas las tiendas están cerradas y nadie trabaja, ya que Kat, Ernest y Sherl están listos para salir ese día, el inspector Hastings irrumpe.
On St Godwin's day, a holiday which Ernest explains is celebrated in London during which all the shops are shut and nobody works, as Kat, Ernest and Sherl are ready to go out for the day, Inspector Hastings bursts in.
==== '''Caso 11''' ====
==== '''Case 11''' ====
==== '''Caso 12''' ====
==== '''Case 12''' ====
=== [[Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files]] ===
=== [[Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files]] ===
In the anime due to the connection to the game, her true backstory is revealed further, as the mystery behind her birth unravels.
En el anime debido a la conexión con el juego, su verdadera historia de fondo se revela aún más, a medida que se revela el misterio detrás de su nacimiento.
En la subserie "Profesor Layton y el tesoro de las reliquias", se revela que [[Luke Triton|Luke Triton, de]] 15 años,  estuvo presente durante su nacimiento en un barco que se hundía y ayudó a entregarla, mientras cuidaba a su madre moribunda. La mujer, Kamilla Azan, le confió el bebé a Luke; pidiéndole que explique su situación y cómo "su esposo" estaba buscando las Reliquias Ocultas al Profesor Layton. Cuando el barco se hundió más tarde, Luke atendió muy brevemente a Katrielle; Más tarde, Luke regresó a Londres y le explicó lo que le había sucedido al profesor, quien se encargó del cuidado del bebé, ya que Luke seguía sus estudios a nivel internacional. El profesor declaró que cuidaría a la bebé como si fuera suya y la llamó Katrielle Layton.
In the "Professor Layton and the Relics Treasure" subseries, it is revealed that a 15 year old [[Luke Triton]] was present during her birth on a then-sinking ship, and helped to deliver her, while watching over her dying mother. The woman, Kamilla Azan entrusted the baby to Luke; asking him to explain her situation and how "her husband" was looking for the Hidden Relics to Professor Layton. When the ship later sunk, Katrielle was very briefly cared for by Luke; later Luke returned to London and explained what had happened to the Professor, who took the baby into his own care, as Luke was still pursuing his studies internationally. The professor stated that he would take care of the baby as if she was his own and named her Katrielle Layton.
Cuando tenía 10 años, Katrielle se despidió de Layton y Luke antes de emprender un viaje para resolver el misterio de las Reliquias Ocultas de las que no regresaron.
When she was 10 years old, Katrielle said goodbye to Layton and Luke before they went on a journey to solve the mystery of the Hidden Relics from which they didn't return.
Once años después, [[Rosa Grimes|Rosa]] viene a la agencia de detectives para explicar todo lo que sabe sobre el viaje de Layton y Luke. Durante la revelación, Katrielle mira otra vez la carta que su padre le dejó, lo cual es un enigma para ella decir que si ella no es su verdadera hija, entonces qué es ella.
Eleven years later, [[Rosa Grimes|Rosa]] comes to the detective agency to explain everything she knows about Layton and Luke's journey. During the tell, Katrielle takes another look at the letter than her father left for her, which is a puzzle for her saying if she isn’t his real daughter, then what is she.
Rosa explica que Layton y Luke emprendieron su viaje para descubrir el secreto de las Relic Stones para Katrielle, porque el misterio está muy relacionado con su madre. Lo último que Rosa sabe es que encontraron el lugar donde se escondieron originalmente las Reliquias, pero que ahora estaba vacío.
Rosa explains that Layton and Luke went on his journey to figure out the secret of the Relic Stones for Katrielle, for the mystery is so much related to her mother. The last thing Rosa knows is that they found the location where the Relics were hidden originally, but that it was empty now.
After hearing Rosa's tell, Katrielle doesn’t believe that one of her father’s deductions was correct however and believes that Kamilla came back to London so she could obtain a seventh Relics Stone; the professor's assumption was that there are only six of them. With this in mind, she also decides to take on this case and solve it for herself.
After hearing Rosa's tell, Katrielle doesn’t believe that one of her father’s deductions was correct however and believes that Kamilla came back to London so she could obtain a seventh Relics Stone; the professor's assumption was that there are only six of them. With this in mind, she also decides to take on this case and solve it for herself.
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Revision as of 17:23, 3 September 2019

"The truth is always stranger than fiction!"
— Katrielle Layton

Katrielle "Kat" Layton is the protagonist of Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy and Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files, and the daughter of Professor Hershel Layton. A "riddle-solving detective" and founder of the Layton Detective Agency, Kat takes on various cases brought to her by fellow Londoners in the hope of finding her missing father. She is assisted in her investigations by her devoted assistant Ernest Greeves and a talking dog named Sherl.



Kat is a young woman with brown curly hair, rosy cheeks and blue eyes. Usually, she wears a red dress with a black bow, black leggings, and blue shoes, and adds a tan coat and a hairband with a top hat on it when in the field. She also has a wide range of other outfits, which can be changed in game. To sleep, she wears a pale yellow nightgown.


Katrielle is an eccentric but humourous young lady, with an active imagination in full employ when solving puzzles and crimes. She relies largely on her "miraculous instinct" to solve mysteries and jokingly mocks investigators that rely solely on concrete evidence, prompting some spectators like Sherl to credit Kat's success to dumb luck. She'll often posit highly imaginative or complex explanations for mysteries, unlike her father who is more grounded in realistic scenarios. This all leads some, such as Emiliana Perfetti, to not take her seriously as a detective.

Kat often appears unflappable in the face of the most bizarre mysteries, not being impressed or surprised at all that Sherl was talking, and speaking very nonchalantly about her father's past cases. She also does not seem to question her father's puzzles but is nevertheless close to him. Despite this, she can be rather intuitive, much like her father, and uses her intelligence to her advantage.


However, in the anime as connected to the game progressing, Kat become quick tempered and easily scares Ernest.

Kat also displays an insatiable appetite, being able to put away a large dinner and still have room for dessert, not unlike Luke Triton. She often fixated on foods, especially sweets and desserts, for which she seems to have a particular affinity, and often makes unwieldy comparisons between them and the mysteries she solves.


Only read this section after finishing the game! Click to skip spoilers.

Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy

Pre-game (Case 10)

About 10 years prior the events of the game, Katrielle's father mysteriously vanished. This lead to her beginning to investigate in order to find him.

Some time prior to opening the Layton Detective Agency, Katrielle encountered Inspector Ercule Hastings at Scotland Yard, who, at the time, was interrogating Ernest Greeves, a student under suspicion of stealing research papers belonging to Gressenheller University professor Dr. Gene Ohm. Disgusted by Hastings' jumping to conclusions and lack of evidence, Kat convinced him to release Ernest and resume the investigation.

Gressenheller being her next stop anyway, Katrielle joined Ernest in returning to the university, offering to prove his innocence -or guilt- "en passant." Once there, her instincts lead her to retrace Ernest's steps that day to the letter, including stopping to smell roses. This lead to her discovering the truth of the case, clearing her new friend's name. In appreciation and affection for Katrielle, Ernest joined her as an unpaid assistant.

Case 01

Soon afterwards, Kat opened the Layton Detective Agency. The agency's slogan, "any mystery solved," lead an amnesiac dog she dubbed Sherl to test her mettle with a puzzle before enlisting her services in uncovering his past. Kat, however, put this on hold in favor of a "more interesting" case: the apparent theft of the hour hand of one face of Big Ben, brought to her attention by Inspector Hastings. Kat, Ernest and Sherl, now working as a team, lead an investigation from the inside of Big Ben to Chancer Lane, the street on which the Layton Detective Agency could be found, where they visited a popular restaurant worked at by a friendly waiter and Lipski's Patisserie - run by Aleks Lipski, brother of clock technician working in Big Ben, Hans Lipski. The team discovered many of the items of furniture and decoration in Lipski's patisserie were made of wafer, and uncovered plans for a wafer clock hand in the waste paper bin in front of the pastry showcase. From her findings in Big Ben and at the patisserie, Kat ultimately deduced that the missing clock hand was not in fact stolen, but was instead melted by the rain - as it was made of wafer. Hans had broken one of the original clock hands whilst working in the tower and so Aleks, his brother, constructed a decoy hand out of wafer so no one would find out about Hans' mistake.

Case 02

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Case 03

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Case 04

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Case 05

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Case 06

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Case 07

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Case 08

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Case 09

On St Godwin's day, a holiday which Ernest explains is celebrated in London during which all the shops are shut and nobody works, as Kat, Ernest and Sherl are ready to go out for the day, Inspector Hastings bursts in.

Case 11

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Case 12

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Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files

In the anime due to the connection to the game, her true backstory is revealed further, as the mystery behind her birth unravels.

In the "Professor Layton and the Relics Treasure" subseries, it is revealed that a 15 year old Luke Triton was present during her birth on a then-sinking ship, and helped to deliver her, while watching over her dying mother. The woman, Kamilla Azan entrusted the baby to Luke; asking him to explain her situation and how "her husband" was looking for the Hidden Relics to Professor Layton. When the ship later sunk, Katrielle was very briefly cared for by Luke; later Luke returned to London and explained what had happened to the Professor, who took the baby into his own care, as Luke was still pursuing his studies internationally. The professor stated that he would take care of the baby as if she was his own and named her Katrielle Layton.

When she was 10 years old, Katrielle said goodbye to Layton and Luke before they went on a journey to solve the mystery of the Hidden Relics from which they didn't return.

Eleven years later, Rosa comes to the detective agency to explain everything she knows about Layton and Luke's journey. During the tell, Katrielle takes another look at the letter than her father left for her, which is a puzzle for her saying if she isn’t his real daughter, then what is she.

Rosa explains that Layton and Luke went on his journey to figure out the secret of the Relic Stones for Katrielle, for the mystery is so much related to her mother. The last thing Rosa knows is that they found the location where the Relics were hidden originally, but that it was empty now.

After hearing Rosa's tell, Katrielle doesn’t believe that one of her father’s deductions was correct however and believes that Kamilla came back to London so she could obtain a seventh Relics Stone; the professor's assumption was that there are only six of them. With this in mind, she also decides to take on this case and solve it for herself.

Katrielle, ernest and Sherl visit a library first, where Katrielle deduces that the Relics mystery was already solved many years ago. She finds a ledger of all items sold on auctions in London in the past 200 years and notices that all the relic stones were put up on auction periodically starting from 110 years ago meaning that the mystery must’ve been solved around then and the person who solved it wanted to scatter the stones so no one else would discover it.

Katrielle found that someone named Earl Drake Dellendar was the person who purchased the Relic Stones the most and so believes him to be the person who found the Relics. She notes that he expanded the Cranscoll Cathedral in Southampton one hundred and eleven years ago and they head there as the only lead to the relics.

After they get off the boat in Southampton, Katrielle takes a look into the boarding records and is confirmed that her father came to this place eleven years ago. She deduces that the Relics were most likely something fairly large as they were ported to Southampton instead of London, as the city streets in London would've made it hard to discreetly transport something that large. She also deduces that the expansion of Cranscoll cathedral was to create a hiding place for the Relics.

They arrive at the Cathedral, where Katrielle figures out a message her father left behind to let her know he was here, and ventures in. They confront the same priest who captured Layton and Luke eleven years ago. Katrielle argues that the Relics shouldn't have been taken from the cave. The cave's terrain was able to null the harmfull energy the Relics emit, but somewhere else this energy will pollute the surroundings. Since no crops were ever exported from the cathedral's area after the expansion as the cathedral bought up them all, Katrielle reveals to know the Relics are inside the cathedral. The priest commands to capture her but she has the backing of Inspector Britannias who gathered every local police officer in the area. They capture the priest before he can do anything.

Katrielle finds a trapdoor in the cathedral leading to a basement and they go downstairs to see the Relics, which turn out to be a device that induces cryogenic sleep and can therefore be considered as a time machine. Inside coffins of this device, they find both Luke and Layton, asleep. Then Marina Triton, the wife of Luke, appears. She was investigating the Relics all the time, pretending to be one of the priest's men. Now that the priest and his men are arrested, Marina is finally able to open the coffins and set Layton and Luke free. Britannias lets them bring to a nearby hospital to wake up and recover.

In the hospital, Marina tells Katrielle all she knows about Earl Dellendar and the Relics. She tells her that the Earl used the Relics to bring himself and his son to the future. He had ordered he priests of the cathedral to take care of the Relics device for all the years. But eleven years ago something went wrong and the Earl died. Because the organization of the Earl was ordered to annihilate all the priests if the Earl's life would come in danger, the priests had to hide the accident. Therefore, Layton and Luke were used as substitutes to make it look like the Earl was still alive.

Later outside, Katrielle reveals that a third person was using the Relics device, along with Layton and Luke. But this person was revived before their arrival. On the floor before the third coffin, Katrielle found an artificial replica of a Relic Stone. She supposes the stone is a challenge the person left behind for them. For she has an idea of who this person is, namely the so-called "Genius of the Century" Rufus Aldebaran who was a good friend of Earl Dellendar, she, Ernest and Sherl go back to London to visit the estate where Aldebaran used to live.

They have only just arrived when Layton and Luke arrive at the estate as well, and Katrielle finally reunites with her father. Together, they investigate Aldebaran's estate, which points out that Aldebaran was an astronomer, demanding a huge fee for his deductive abilities. After solving a few puzzles, they discover Aldebaran wants them to go to Greenwich Observatory.

In a secret chamber under Greenwich observatory, which they found by solving a puzzle, they find Aldebaran. When professor asks him why he wanted them for solving his puzzles and coming to him, he attacks the professor with a sword, but the professor overpowers him.

Aldebaran then explains that one hundred and eleven years ago, he discovered there was to be a a comet that would crash into Earth and would endanger all of mankind. The time of that event was about hundred and ten years in the future. He thought that his research and his brilliant mind might save the world. Later, he learned about the Relics and found the Relics Room. He analyzed the device's technology in order to build a shelter to save people by putting them into cryogenic sleep, but that was difficult with the technology from the era the device came from. Therefore he decided to go to the future, along with the device, in the hope that he could build the shelter before doomsday. He wasn't brought back through proper means, however, which caused an abnormality in his body's cells. He predicts that his body will not last for much longer.

Then Emiliana and Hastings appear. The professor asks Emiliana for the data he asks her for and deduces his predictions were right. He had met with astronomers at Aldebaran's estate and had them reinvestigate the predictions on the impact event. The astronomers were able to confirm that the devastation was indeed going to come, but not until another hundred twenty years. Aldebaran's telescope's accuracy was subpar and that caused a slight error in his calculations.

Realising that he is not being able to stop the future's destruction now, Aldebaran orders the professor to use the Relics room to go further into the future. Then Katrielle interrupts him, making clear to him that in the future, other people like him and her father will appear and will try their hands at resolving the threat and that humanity will find a way to fight it off. Aldebaran then realizes that, by going into the future, he sacrificed everthing he loved for nothing, because the world has changed. Then, knowing that his time has come, he let his dying body fall into the river.

After the events at the Greenwich Observatory, Layton and Luke join Katrielle's Detective Agency. Later, Katrielle notices there have not been many interesting cases lately. Ernest explains this is because she solves them all very quickly. Sherl interrupts him by remembering her that the case of his ability to talk is still unsolved. Then someone is knocking on the door and Ernest welcomes Alfendi Layton and Lucy Baker to Layton Detective Agency.

Spoilers end here


  • She is 21 years old, as noted in Millionaires' Conspiracy.
  • In the anime, Luke Triton is present during her birth, implying her 21 years of age passed since the end of Unwound Future. This also includes any time passed since Unwound Future ended and before her birth; as well as any time that passed since in the present day of the anime.
  • Katrielle is a name that means "God is my Crown". It is Hebrew in origin, much like that of Layton's. It is regularly spelled Katriel, or Catriel. Also because of this, when the game was first revealed, many initial mistranslations of her name resulted (from news sources as well), including such translations as "Catriel", "Katriel", and even "Catoleil".
  • Katrielle and her father appear in the game Yo-Kai Watch: Wibble Wobble as Yo-Kai, with Kat being a Charming tribe Yo-Kai.