Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

This is the Puzzle Index for Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy. It lists all puzzles that are in the game.

You can also browse the puzzles by category.

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Story Puzzles[]

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001Care for a Cake?Piece PositioningPrologueOutside the Layton Detective Agency20
002The Hands of TimeLogicalCase 1Parliament Square Garden35
003Bubble BlastThingamajig ThinkingCase 1Foot of the Elizabeth Tower40
004A-Maze-BallsMobile: A-Maze-Balls
Deluxe: Houses of Hanoi
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 1The clockroom35
005Alien AttackThingamajig ThinkingCase 1Chancer Lane Corner45
006Paper CaperPiece PositioningCase 1Lipski's Pâtisserie40
007Failing ScalesLogicalCase 1Lipski's Pâtisserie50
008Pipe NightmarePictorialCase 1Outside the Layton Detective Agency40
009Puzzling PaintsLogicalCase 1Outside the Layton Detective Agency20
010Lost and FoundLogicalCase 1Outside the Layton Detective Agency35
011Magic NumbersThingamajig ThinkingCase 1Parliament Square Garden35
012Rock Paper Scissors TowerThingamajig ThinkingCase 1Lipski's Pâtisserie45
013Pipe Nightmare 2Mobile: Pipe Nightmare 2
Deluxe: Fraught Fishing
PictorialCase 2Scotland Yard45
014Happy FamiliesMobile: Happy Families
Deluxe: Pizza Preferences
LogicalCase 2Reception area40
015A Matter of TimeConditionalCase 2Hastings's desk40
016At a CrossroadsMobile: At a Crossroads
Deluxe: Sports Matches
LogicalCase 2Guildhall30
017Three's a CrowdMobile: Three's a Crowd
Deluxe: Boy Meets Girl
LogicalCase 2The mayor's chamber40
018Cosy up the ChicksPiece PositioningCase 2By the Thames30
019School SisterMobile: School Sister
Deluxe: Bringing up the Rear
LogicalCase 2Footpath by the river50
020In the SpotlightThingamajig ThinkingCase 2Chancer Lane Corner30
021A Stellar DisplayPiece PositioningCase 2Chancer Lane Corner25
022Sweet SuitsMobile: Sweet Suits
Deluxe: Robots Take the Cake
ConditionalCase 2Lipski's Pâtisserie50
023Hoopla ChallengePiece PositioningCase 2Outside the Layton Detective Agency40
024The Best ElevenPiece PositioningCase 2The Lucky Clover30
025Point the FingerConditionalCase 2Guildhall45
026Rainbow RabbitConditionalCase 2The mayor's chamber45
027NeighboursConditionalCase 2Balcony50
028Box DropThingamajig ThinkingCase 2Scotland Yard30
029A Nonsensical SentenceMobile: A Nonsensical Sentence
Deluxe: Pipe Nightmare 2
LogicalCase 2Outside the Layton Detective Agency30
030A Knight QuestGubbins GuidingCase 3The Saveloy35
031Play Your Cards RightMobile: Play Your Cards Right
Deluxe: Fortune-teller Fiasco
LogicalCase 3The Saveloy foyer45
032Message in the SandMobile: Message in the Sand
Deluxe: Bead Brain Bleed
LogicalCase 3The Saveloy foyer25
033Cosy up the Chicks 2Mobile: Cosy up the Chicks 2
Deluxe: Go With the Flow
Piece PositioningCase 3Kiosk40
034Cause for AlarmMobile: Cause for Alarm
Deluxe: Circuit Un-Breaker
LogicalCase 3Projection box45
035The Sealed DoorMobile: The Sealed Door
Deluxe: Fraught Fishing 2
OtherCase 3Projection box30
0366 of 1LogicalCase 3Kiosk40
037Tails of the UnexpectedThingamajig ThinkingCase 3The Saveloy35
038Kiss KissMobile: Kiss Kiss
Deluxe: The Perplexed Partner
Piece PositioningCase 3Auditorium30
039The Crystal MazeMobile: The Crystal Maze
Deluxe: Ghosts 'n' Gifts
LogicalCase 3The Saveloy35
040Crack the Cold CodeMobile: Crack the Cold Code
Deluxe: Two Types of Tile
PictorialCase 3Auditorium40
041O Christmas Tree!Piece PositioningCase 4Millionaires' Row40
042Weasel MathsLogicalCase 4The Doublée residence35
043Puzzling PearlsThingamajig ThinkingCase 4Grand entrance hall40
044Pairdy CatConditionalCase 4Grand entrance hall40
045Point the Finger 2Mobile: Point the Finger 2
Deluxe: Robots Take the Cake 2
ConditionalCase 4Grand entrance hall45
046Baffling Bookcase LogicalCase 4Madame's parlour50
047A Caged BirdMobile: A Caged Bird
Deluxe: Shoe Shuffle
Piece PositioningCase 4The Doublée grounds25
048Tunnel VisionLogicalCase 4Millionaires' Row35
049Hoppy BunniesGubbins GuidingCase 4Wharf45
050Hem in the HamstersPiece PositioningCase 4Footpath by the river30
051Stair BlocksPiece PositioningCase 4Tower Bridge45
052Running on EmptyLogicalCase 4Tower Bridge40
053Tireless TruckLogicalCase 4The Doublée residence40
054Spiral TowerLogicalCase 4The Doublée grounds55
055Tree RouteGubbins GuidingCase 5Millionaires' Row30
056Fibbing PhantomsConditionalCase 5Liza's room50
057The Ant and the Sugar CubeMobile: The Ant and the Sugar Cube
Deluxe: Ghosts 'n' Gifts 2
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 5Liza's room45
058Level UpThingamajig ThinkingCase 5The Doublée residence40
059Sleeping SandLogicalCase 5The Doublée residence hallway55
060Posing PoltergeistsThingamajig ThinkingCase 5The Wight residence45
061Silly SilhouettePictorialCase 5The Wight residence45
062Puppet PerformanceThingamajig ThinkingCase 5The Wight residence hallway50
063The Unopened RoomObservationalCase 5The Wight residence hallway25
064Deep ReflectionsThingamajig ThinkingCase 5Cellar35
065Fit for a King LogicalCase 5Cellar45
066A Black and White ConundrumPiece PositioningCase 5Liza's room55
067Starry Starry NightGubbins GuidingCase 5The Doublée residence45
068Picture in PiecesPiece PositioningCase 5The Doublée residence hallway50
069The Money of ColourLogicalCase 6The Layman's Reserve bank45
070Pencil BoxThingamajig ThinkingCase 6Bank foyer35
071Password ABCsLogicalCase 6Vault door40
072Piped NumbersPictorialCase 6Vault door35
073Number Line-UpLogicalCase 6Vault interior35
074Traffic JamMobile: Traffic Jam
Deluxe: Spaceship SOS
LogicalCase 6Manager's office35
075Picture the SceneLogicalCase 6By the Thames40
076A Class ElectionMobile: A Class Election
Deluxe: Fortune-teller Fiasco 2
LogicalCase 6By the Thames40
077Number of NumbersPictorialCase 6Tower Bridge40
078A Cold FishMobile: A Cold Fish
Deluxe: Crate Crowding
LogicalCase 6Footpath by the river40
079Ride the RailsLogicalCase 6Footpath by the river50
080Light SecurityThingamajig ThinkingCase 6Wharf30
081Changing NumbersLogicalCase 6Wharf40
082Copy CalculatorMobile: Copy Calculator
Deluxe: Boy Meets Girl 2
LogicalCase 6Bank foyer30
083Undone BridgePiece PositioningCase 6Tower Bridge35
084The Shape of LovePictorialCase 7Editorial office30
085Perplexing ParkingMobile: Perplexing Parking
Deluxe: Document Disaster
Piece PositioningCase 7London Times offices30
086A Question of SportLogicalCase 7Guildhall40
087Core WarThingamajig ThinkingCase 7Bowlyn Green45
088Neon LightsPictorialCase 7Bowlyn Hill40
089Password ABCs 2Mobile: Password ABCs 2
Deluxe: Dragon Question
LogicalCase 7Dead end40
090Colour ConfusionLogicalCase 7Dead end40
091Circular ReasoningMobile: Circular Reasoning
Deluxe: Cut Your Cloth
PictorialCase 7Tailor's shop50
092Cut Your ClothMobile: Cut Your Cloth
Deluxe: Shoe Shuffle 2
PictorialCase 7Tailor's shop45
093Don't be a SquareMobile: Don't be a Square
Deluxe: Password ABCs 2
PictorialCase 7Editorial office45
094Surf's Up?PictorialCase 7Bowlyn Green40
095Pop-Up Prairie DogsThingamajig ThinkingCase 7Bowlyn Hill40
096Darts PracticeLogicalCase 8Ship corridor35
097Fuel UpMobile: Fuel Up
Deluxe: Go With the Flow 2
LogicalCase 8De luxe standard-class cabin20
098Mystery LetterMobile: Mystery Letter
Deluxe: Fortune-teller Fiasco 3
PictorialCase 8Standard class cabin45
099A Tall OrderPiece PositioningCase 8The deck30
100Treasure HuntConditionalCase 8The engine room45
101Likely Lad on LaddersConditionalCase 8The engine room40
102Robot PauseMobile: Robot Pause
Deluxe: Circuit Un-Breaker 2
OtherCase 8The bridge20
103Fathom the DepthsPictorialCase 8De luxe first-class cabin45
104Island MysteryLogicalCase 8De luxe first-class cabin40
105Double TroubleGubbins GuidingCase 8The bridge55
106Stone EyedolPictorialCase 8The grand lounge40
107Rock Paper Scissors Tower 2Thingamajig ThinkingCase 8De luxe standard-class cabin45
108Now I Know my ABEFsMobile: Now I Know my ABEFs
Deluxe: Fraught Fishing 3
LogicalCase 8The engine room35
109Birthday Brain-TeaserPiece PositioningCase 9Outside the Layton Detective Agency30
110Top JockeysConditionalCase 9The Lucky Clover50
111Piece of CakePictorialCase 9Chancer Lane Corner35
112Please the BeesPiece PositioningCase 9Chancer Lane Corner40
113A Long ConversationLogicalCase 9Scotland Yard50
114A Brother's HomecomingLogicalCase 9Reception area35
115Train of ThoughtMobile: Train of Thought
Deluxe: Pizza Preferences 2
LogicalCase 9Hastings's desk45
116Beast on the LooseMobile: Beast on the Loose
Deluxe: Sandpit Dice Dilemma
PictorialCase 9Guildhall30
117Race to the FinishConditionalCase 9The mayor's chamber60
118Mystifying MonthsConditionalCase 9Balcony50
119A Friend for YConditionalCase 9Balcony30
120Funny FractionsLogicalCase 9Guildhall35
121Child's PlayMobile: Child's Play
Deluxe: Road to Home
Piece PositioningCase 9Outside the Layton Detective Agency30
122Guess my AgeLogicalCase 9Reception area50
123A-Maze-Balls 2Mobile: A-Maze-Balls 2
Deluxe: Houses of Hanoi 2
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 9Hastings's desk45
124Caught Four SpeedingLogicalCase 10Hastings's desk25
125Sports MatchesMobile: Sports Matches
Deluxe: Spaceship SOS 2
PictorialCase 10Hastings's desk35
126Imperfect TrianglePictorialCase 10Reception area40
127It Adds Up to NothingLogicalCase 10Scotland Yard45
128Rocket ReshuffleThingamajig ThinkingCase 10Outside Gressenheller45
129Light Security 2Mobile: Light Security 2
Deluxe: Two Types of Tile 2
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 10Campus35
130Flower PowerThingamajig ThinkingCase 10Flower bed55
131Box of FlowersPictorialCase 10Flower bed45
132The Goat DivideMobile: The Goat Divide
Deluxe: Baad-Tempered Goats
LogicalCase 10Goat shed45
133Baad-Tempered SheepMobile: Baad-Tempered Sheep
Deluxe: Boy Meets Girl 3
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 10Goat shed45
134PH ProblemMobile: PH Problem
Deluxe: Number Cruncher
LogicalCase 10Faculty35
135Trouble SumMobile: Trouble Sum
Deluxe: Two Types of Tile 3
LogicalCase 10Reception area30
136To the LetterPictorialCase 10Research laboratory35
137Precious MedicinePiece PositioningCase 10Research laboratory40
138Peculiar PeaksMobile: Peculiar Peaks
Deluxe: Shoe Shuffle 3
PictorialCase 10Campus35
139Hankie StampLogicalCase 10Flower bed45
140FantasticPiece PositioningCase 11Outside the Layton Detective Agency35
141In the RuinsMobile: In the Ruins
Deluxe: Pizza Preferences 3
Piece PositioningCase 11Chancer Lane Corner35
142Amazing BreakoutObservationalCase 11Lipski's Pâtisserie40
143Amazing Breakout 2ObservationalCase 11Lipski's Pâtisserie45
144Five HousesLogicalCase 11Lipski's Pâtisserie40
145Love TrianglesPictorialCase 11By the Thames35
146River Crossing (MJ)Mobile: River Crossing
Deluxe: Bridge Over Troubled Water
LogicalCase 11Tower Bridge55
147In Plain SightGubbins GuidingCase 11Wharf35
148Mixed SignalsMobile: Mixed Signals
Deluxe: Robots Take the Cake 3
Piece PositioningCase 11Wharf40
149Baad-Tempered Sheep 2Mobile: Baad-Tempered Sheep 2
Deluxe: Ghosts 'n' Gifts 3
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 11Bowlyn Green45
150UnfrozenMobile: Unfrozen
Deluxe: Crate Crowding 2
ObservationalCase 11Bowlyn Hill35
151Stop the Bomb!Thingamajig ThinkingCase 11Dead end30
152A Whole New Ball GameGubbins GuidingCase 11Bowlyn Hill45
153Truth, Lies and a Box of BallsConditionalCase 11The Lucky Clover50
154Bead TangleObservationalCase 11The Lucky Clover40
155Enveloped in MysteryMobile: Enveloped in Mystery
Deluxe: Go With the Flow 3
PictorialCase 11Chancer Lane Corner45
156In Plain Sight 2Mobile: In Plain Sight 2
Deluxe: Present Picking
Gubbins GuidingCase 11Bowlyn Hill40
157Magical GatekeeperMobile: Magical Gatekeeper
Deluxe: Bead Brain Bleed 2
OtherCase 12Entrance hall30
158The Red MountainPiece PositioningCase 12The Rosenberg Room40
159A-Maze-Balls 3Mobile: A-Maze-Balls 3
Deluxe: Houses of Hanoi 3
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 12The Rosenberg Room40
160JeweldokuThingamajig ThinkingCase 12The Treasury45
161Puzzle of HopePictorialCase 12The Hope Room45
162Party PeopleConditionalCase 12The Hope Room50
163Puzzle of BetrayalPiece PositioningCase 12The Treachery50
164Pop-Up Prairie Dogs 2Mobile: Pop-Up Prairie Dogs 2
Deluxe: Spaceship SOS 3
Thingamajig ThinkingCase 12The Treachery45
165All Shapes and SizesPictorialCase 12The Road to Ruin40
166Magnet MagicPiece PositioningCase 12Richmond's study45
167Children's JigsawPiece PositioningCase 12Child's bedroom45
168Starting LineMobile: Starting Line
Deluxe: Circuit Un-Breaker 3
LogicalCase 12Child's bedroom40
169Shape ShenanigansPictorialCase 12The Road to Ruin40
170Dragon QuestionMobile: Dragon Question
Deluxe: Crate Crowding 3
PictorialCase 12Richmond's study40
171Box Drop 2Thingamajig ThinkingKat's Conundrums60
172A Knight's Quest 2Gubbins GuidingKat's Conundrums60
173Hoppy Bunnies 2Gubbins GuidingKat's Conundrums70
174Magic Numbers 2Thingamajig ThinkingKat's Conundrums60
175Bubble Blast 2Thingamajig ThinkingKat's Conundrums65
176In the RunningConditionalKat's Conundrums70
177Level Up 2Thingamajig ThinkingKat's Conundrums60
178A Knight's Quest 3Gubbins GuidingKat's Conundrums65
179Alien Attack 2Thingamajig ThinkingKat's Conundrums75
180Double Trouble 2Gubbins GuidingKat's Conundrums65
181Timer TroubleLogicalKat's Conundrums70
182Here, Doggy!Gubbins GuidingKat's Conundrums75
183Starry Starry Night 2Gubbins GuidingKat's Conundrums65
184Treasure Hunt 2ConditionalKat's Conundrums75
185Turtle RaceThingamajig ThinkingKat's Conundrums80

Special Puzzles[]

These are Special puzzles that are bundled with extra outfits in Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy, many of which can be purchased separately with in-app purchases, or unlocked in-game with a special currency, the Fashion Farthings.

In the Deluxe Edition of the game, as all of the outfits are present from the start, without any need to additional external purchases, so are all of these puzzles, of which their unlock is now completely separate from the outfits, needing only to having a certain amount of Picarats and and having completed Case 12.

Daily Puzzles[]

Main article: Daily Puzzle Delivery System#Mystery Journey