"If you're going to round around outside, don't let the family spot you!"
Mark is a character in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He introduces himself as the owner of the Gilded 7 Casino, but it is eventually revealed he is merely one of its many patrons. He only appears near the end of the game, where the Gilded 7 is reopened, making him the last NPC that can be encountered in the game from a progression standpoint.
Mark gives Layton and Luke the following puzzles:
- US Version
Mark's bland exterior hides a deeply strange character. He tends to pontificate on all sorts of topics, but most of what he says is rubbish. He is a frequent visitor at the casino, but he makes an easy target for more experienced gamblers.
- UK Version
Mark's bland exterior hides a deeply curious individual. He tends to pontificate on all sorts of topics, but most of what he says is rubbish. He is a frequent visitor to the casino, where he serves as an easy target for experienced gamblers.