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Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

Oscar is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Oscar was one of the various contestants for the livestock competition. He later on won the competition with his winning cow.



Oscar wears a white shirt with overalls. Along with that he has a blue cap, a red handkerchief, blue gloves, and brown shoes.


Oscar doesn't give a puzzle to Layton and Luke directly. He does, however, talk with Clabber which then leads to Luke having to solve the puzzle "Misinformootion".



US Version

Oscar is a dairy farmer who raises all his cows with affection and tenderness, yet for some reason, many of his best cows dislike him. Even so, Oscar takes such good care of them that they all have lustrous coats worthy of blue ribbons.

UK Version

Oscar is a dairy farmer who raises all his cows with affection and tenderness, yet for some reason many of his best cows dislike him. Even so, Oscar takes such good care of them that they all have lustrous coats worthy of blue ribbons.
