The administrators of this wiki, as well as the Fandom staff and aides, may block a specific user from editing the Professor Layton Wiki when:
- Fandom's Terms of Use are violated. This block is often permanent and applied globally across Fandom.
- There is a repeated violation of the wiki rules. The first time a user is blocked; the block may not be permanent, as we believe in second chances. If the user is later blocked again for another violation, permanent blocks are possible, but only if the user has an account (IP based blocks should never be permanent). The restrictions listed do not apply to Fandom Staff.
Appealing Blocks[]
When a user is blocked, they may choose to appeal this block as follows:
- If the cause for block is a Terms of Use violation, it can only be appealed to the Fandom Staff through the contact form.
- If the user is not restricted from posting on their own Message Wall, this wall may be used to post an appeal message. A local wiki administrator will review their message.
- In other cases, the user may contact a local wiki administrator on their Message Wall on Fandom's Community Central.