Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

This is the Puzzle Index for Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It lists all puzzles that are in the game.

You can also browse the puzzles by category.

Other Puzzle lists:

Story Puzzles[]

Edit the data below in the PuzzleData Module
001Where's the Town?US: Where's the Town?
UK: Where's the Village?
Circle AnswerprologueOn the Road10
002The Crank and SlotMultiple ChoiceprologueDrawbridge15
003Strange HatsMultiple ChoiceprologueEntrance10
004Where's My House?Circle AnswerChapter 1Plaza20
005Digital DigitsUS: Digital Digits
UK: Clock Hands
Write AnswerChapter 1Plaza50
006Light WeightScaleChapter 1Manor Road40
007Wolves and ChicksRiverChapter 1Manor Border50
008Farm WorkWrite AnswerChapter 1Manor Border20
009One Poor PoochMatchstickChapter 1Manor Foyer35
010AlphabetUS: Alphabet
UK: Four Digits
Write AnswerChapter 1Manor Foyer30
011Arc and LineWrite AnswerChapter 1Manor Parlor20
012Make a RectangleDraw LineChapter 4Manor Parlor40
013Sinking ShipWrite AnswerChapter 2Manor Border30
014Which Chair?Multiple ChoiceChapter 2General Store 30
015How Many Are Left?Write AnswerChapter 2General Store 10
016Triangles and InkWrite AnswerChapter 2Town Hall 40
017Five-Card ShuffleMultiple ChoiceChapter 2Entrance30
018Of Dust and DustpanMatchstickChapter 2Inn10
019Parking Lot GridlockUS: Parking Lot Gridlock
UK: Car Park Gridlock
SlidingChapter 2Drawbridge30
020Unfriendly NeighborsUS: Unfriendly Neighbors
UK: Unfriendly Commute
Draw LineChapter 2Park Road50
021Pill PrescriptionWrite AnswerChapter 2Park Road30
022Pigpen PartitionsDraw LineChapter 2Park Road30
023Juice PitchersPitcherChapter 2Restaurant40
024Milk PitchersPitcherChapter 3Restaurant50
025Equilateral TrianglePlacementChapter 2Restaurant25
026Bottle Full of GermsWrite AnswerChapter 2Park Gate20
027Bickering BrothersPlacementChapter 2Manor Parlor40
028Find the DotCircle AnswerChapter 2Manor Parlor30
029Five SuspectsWrite AnswerChapter 3Manor Parlor20
030One-Line Puzzle 1Circle AnswerChapter 3Manor Border30
031Racetrack RiddleWrite AnswerChapter 3Manor Road30
032Candy JarsUS: Candy Jars
UK: Sweet Jars
Write AnswerChapter 3General Store 30
033Light Which One?Circle AnswerChapter 3General Store 20
034How Many Sheets?Write AnswerChapter 3Plaza40
035Strange DotsWrite AnswerChapter 3Plaza20
036Too Many MiceWrite AnswerChapter 3Clock Tower30
037Brother and SisterWrite AnswerChapter 3Clock Tower40
038Island HoppingDraw LineChapter 3Fork in the Road 20
039One-Line Puzzle 2Circle AnswerChapter 3Fork in the Road 30
040How Old Is Dad?US: How Old Is Dad?
UK: Father's Age
Write AnswerChapter 3Market30
041Spare ChangeWrite AnswerChapter 3Northern Path30
042The Camera and CaseWrite AnswerChapter 3Northern Path50
043Three UmbrellasWrite AnswerChapter 3Clock Tower20
044Stamp StumperDraw LineChapter 3Town Hall 50
045Puzzled AliensUS: Puzzled Aliens
UK: Lunar Weight
Write AnswerChapter 4Park Road30
046The Biggest StarUS: The Biggest Star
UK: Star in the Sky
Draw LineChapter 4Park Gate20
047On the RunCircle AnswerChapter 4Plaza40
048Cats and MiceWrite AnswerChapter 4Clock Tower25
0491,000 TimesWrite AnswerChapter 4Clock Tower20
UK: Number Maze
Write AnswerChapter 4Fork in the Road 20
051The Town BarbersMultiple ChoiceChapter 4Crumm's Cafe10
052Find a StarShape SearchChapter 4Northern Path30
053Fish ThiefMultiple ChoiceChapter 4Market35
054Monster!PlacementChapter 4Market20
055The Odd SandwichWrite AnswerChapter 4Inn20
056The Lazy GuardWrite AnswerChapter 4Entrance30
057Cut Which One?Multiple ChoiceChapter 4Plaza30
058Get the Ball Out! 1SlidingChapter 3Plaza30
059The Longest PathDraw LineChapter 4Manor Road50
060Weighing CatsMultiple ChoiceChapter 4Reinhold Manor30
061Pin Board ShapesPin BoardChapter 4Manor Parlor40
062The Mysterious NoteUS: The Mysterious Note
UK: A Tricky Inheritance
Multiple ChoiceChapter 4Manor Parlor40
063How Old Is Mom?US: How Old Is Mom?
UK: Mother's Age
Write AnswerChapter 4Manor Parlor20
064Odd EquationsWrite AnswerChapter 5Town Hall 30
065What's E?US: What's E?
UK: Letters and Numbers
Write AnswerChapter 5Clock Tower50
066Birthday GirlUS: Birthday Girl
UK: Five Borrowers
Write AnswerChapter 5Clock Tower60
067The Chocolate CodeUS: The Chocolate Code
UK: How Many Sweets?
Write AnswerChapter 5Clock Tower40
068Find the PentagonsWrite AnswerChapter 5Northern Path40
069Chocolate PuzzleWrite AnswerChapter 5Prosciutto's30
070The Shattered VasePlacementChapter 5Market10
071Sausage ThiefMultiple ChoiceChapter 5Market40
072The Sound of SilenceUS: The Sound of Silence
UK: Truth and Lies
Circle AnswerChapter 6Plaza40
073How Many Squares?Pin BoardChapter 6Town Hall 40
074A Broken WindowMultiple ChoiceChapter 6Market30
075The Wire CubeWrite AnswerChapter 6Market40
076A Tile SquareUS: A Tile Square
UK: Flower Garden
Write AnswerChapter 6Park Road30
077Which Job?Multiple ChoiceChapter 6Park Road20
078Water PitchersPitcherChapter 6Restaurant60
079Apples to OrangesSlidingChapter 6Restaurant40
080Too Many Queens 1ChessChapter 6Restaurant20
081Too Many Queens 2ChessChapter 6Restaurant40
082Too Many Queens 3ChessChapter 6Restaurant60
083Too Many Queens 4ChessChapter 6Restaurant80
084Which Boxes to Move?Write AnswerChapter 7Sewer Exit30
085Weekend GetawayUS: Weekend Getaway
UK: Train Speed
Write AnswerChapter 7Outside the Sewer50
086Squares and CirclesWrite AnswerChapter 7Sewer Dead End30
087Ferris Wheel RiddleWrite AnswerChapter 7Ferris Wheel50
088In a HoleUS: In a Hole
UK: Leaky Tank
Write AnswerChapter 7Shack Path30
089Which Way?Shape SearchChapter 7Under the Shack30
090Get the Ball Out! 2SlidingChapter 7Underground Path50
091Pattern MatchingMultiple ChoiceChapter 7Underground Area40
092Wash UpMazeChapter 8Sewer Dead End30
093Over the RiverRiverChapter 8Manor Border30
094Get the Ball Out! 4SlidingChapter 9Tower Floor 170
095A Magic SquarePlacementChapter 9Tower Floor 260
096Take the StairsUS: Take the Stairs
UK: On the Stairs
Write AnswerChapter 9Tower Floor 330
097Princess in a Box 1US: Princess in a Box 1
UK: Maiden's Escape
SlidingChapter 9Tower Floor 460
098Card OrderPlacementChapter 9Tower Floor 570
09933333!PlacementChapter 9Tower Floor 670
100Seven SquaresPin BoardChapter 9Tower Floor 770
101Splitting It UpWrite AnswerChapter 3Market40
102Aces and the JokerWrite AnswerChapter 6Tower Road40
103Wood CutoutsDraw LineChapter 4Manor Parlor40
104A Sweet TreatDraw LineChapter 8Prosciutto's30
105Rolling a ThreeWrite AnswerChapter 8Tower Road30
106How Many GlassesWrite AnswerChapter 4Crumm's Cafe20
107A Worm's DreamUS: A Worm's Dream
UK: Worm in the Apple
SlidingChapter 3Clock Tower30
108Not KnotsMultiple ChoiceChapter 5Archibald's50
109Laziest Man on EarthSearchChapter 6Archibald's30
110The Vanishing CubeMatchstickChapter 1Manor Parlor20
111Mystery ItemUS: Mystery Item
UK: Making a Square
MatchstickChapter 2Park Road40
112My BelovedPlacementChapter 2Inn50
113Pet HotelUS: Pet Hotel
UK: Pet Menagerie
MatchstickChapter 4Entrance30
114Tetrahedron TrialTap AnswerChapter 4Prosciutto's20
115Odd Box Out Circle AnswerChapter 7Abandoned Tent40
116The Largest TotalWrite AnswerChapter 7Shack Path50
117Painting a CubeWrite AnswerChapter 6Tower Road30
118Red and Black CardsWrite AnswerChapter 2Town Hall 50
119Red and Blue 1SlidingChapter 6Path Entrance40
120Get the Ball Out! 3SlidingChapter 7Sewer60
121Diamond in the FlagWrite AnswerLayton's Challenges60
122The Next DieTap AnswerLayton's Challenges60
123Tons of TrianglesWrite AnswerLayton's Challenges60
124Missing NumberUS: Missing Number
UK: The Rope Ladder
Write AnswerLayton's Challenges70
125Rolling the DieWrite AnswerLayton's Challenges60
126Red and Blue 2SlidingLayton's Challenges70
127Perimeter PerplexerWrite AnswerLayton's Challenges70
128Number LockPlacementLayton's Challenges70
129Four BallsSlidingLayton's Challenges70
130Too Many Queens 5ChessLayton's Challenges99
131Heavier or Lighter?PlacementLayton's Challenges99
132Princess in a Box 2US: Princess in a Box 2
UK: Princess's Escape
SlidingLayton's Challenges80
133Finish the EquationPlacementLayton's Challenges70
134Land DisputesPlacementLayton's Challenges80
135Royal EscapeUS: Royal Escape
UK: Queen's Escape
SlidingLayton's Challenges99

Weekly Puzzles[]

W01From Five to FourMatchstick
W02Treasure ChestsTap Answer
W03How Many Nines?Write Answer
W04Aliens?Write Answer
W05Nose to NoseWrite Answer
W06Cut the CakeWrite Answer
W07Soccer BallWrite Answer
W08What's Hidden?US: What's Hidden?
UK: Around the Towns
Write Answer
W09A Smaller EWrite Answer
W10Layton's HatboxTap Answer
W11The Clock's ChimeWrite Answer
W12A Fearsome FoeUS: A Fearsome Foe
UK: Feuding Fishermen
Circle Answer
W13The Vanishing TowerPlacement
W14The Egg-nigmaWrite Answer
W15The Lost HatWrite Answer
W16The Lazy StudentWrite Answer
W17Image EquationUS: Image Equation
UK: Making the Die
Circle Answer
W18Chicks and HensWrite Answer
W19Jersey NumbersWrite Answer
W20Find the VolumeWrite Answer
W21The Knight's EscapeTap Answer
W22Lion vs CheetahUS: Lion vs Cheetah
UK: Security Guard Test
Write Answer
W23Silence Is GoldenUS: Silence Is Golden
UK: Iron Balls
Write Answer
W24Special OrderUS: Special Order
UK: Three Children
Write Answer
W25Morning GreetingsUS: Morning Greetings
UK: Shoe Box Scramble
Write Answer
W26Bright Idea (US)US: Bright Idea
UK: Morning Greetings
W27Bright Idea (UK)UK: Bright Idea Write Answer