Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
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The video game described by this article has no official English localization.
Part of the information of this article may be derived from the Japanese release through unofficial translations. The content of this page may change once the game is released in English.
The title of this article has been taken from official English sources and is considered to be correct. The rest of the page, however, may not be.

Professor Layton and the Phantom Thieves[1] is a Professor Layton series game for the iOS and Android platforms.

The game was released as a Freemium, meaning the game itself is free, but people have to pay for additional premium content. People who registered the game early received a unique Luke doll, one of the rare avatar items in the game[2].


In the game you create an avatar character, and gather information in order to find and catch criminals[3].

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