Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

This is the Puzzle Index for Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It lists all puzzles that are in the game.

You can also browse the puzzles by category.

Other Puzzle lists:

Story Puzzles[]

Edit the data below in the PuzzleData Module
01Paths of LightCreate PathsPrologueLayton's Office20
02Barton's BurgerArrange PartsPrologueThames Riverside30
03Security ShowdownSneak PastProloguePark - Car-Crash Site25
04Walled InArrange BlocksPrologueBridge Tunnel40
05Help Espella!Multiple ChoicePrologueMysterious Room20
06Knight TrainingArrange PartsChapter 1Main Street35
07Unusual Music BoxTouchChapter 1Main Street20
08Map MishapArrange PartsChapter 1Town Center30
09MarionettesMake GroupsChapter 1E. Shopping Area30
10Shady ShadowsMultiple ChoiceChapter 1W. Shopping Area20
11The Royal VictimDeduceChapter 1W. Shopping Area30
12Cloudy CrossingTouchChapter 1Town Square20
13Use Your LoafRotate and ArrangeChapter 1Bakery40
14Eccentric TailorStampChapter 1Bakery40
15Cloud MazeNavigate LevelsChapter 1Great Archive Entrance30
16Lost in TimeClock MazeChapter 1Great Archive20
17Out of TimeClock MazeChapter 1Great Archive40
18Baffling Bookcase Arrange PartsChapter 1Great Archive20
19Sun and the MoonSlideChapter 1Great Archive30
20Cloud Maze 2Navigate LevelsChapter 3Town Square50
21Rotating RoomRotateChapter 3North Parade Avenue30
22Dollhouse DramaRead and DeduceChapter 3W. Shopping Area25
23Short Round Ride3D PuzzleChapter 3Main Street20
24Pretty PoseyLine UpChapter 3Road to the Court30
25Puppy Postal PatrolNavigate TownChapter 3North Parade Avenue40
26MousequeradeArrange PartsChapter 3W. Shopping Area30
27Stained Glass Color InChapter 3Town Center30
28An Evening StrollFind RouteChapter 3Main Street20
29Wagon Draggin'SlideChapter 3Great Archive Entrance25
30Gabbin' GoatsArrange PartsChapter 3E. Shopping Area50
31Animal PensArrange PartsChapter 3Main Street30
32Not Standard IssueSelectChapter 3Guarded Gate25
33Street PatrolArrange IconsChapter 3Knights' Garrison40
34Chess SkirmishChessChapter 3Knights' Garrison20
35Mouse MayhemTiltChapter 3Knights' Garrison25
36Decipher the DoorRotate Number DialChapter 3Audience Rm. Entrance40
37Rotating Room 2RotateChapter 3Audience Rm. Entrance40
38Stomp on It!Flip PanelsChapter 3Great Archive40
39Train TroubleArrange PartsChapter 3Town Square Outskirts40
40Espionage ActionSneak PastChapter 5Marketplace35
41Alley AllowanceFind RouteChapter 5Seedy Alley 40
42Chalice ChallengeSlide ChaliceChapter 5Tavern30
43Stomp on It! 2Flip PanelsChapter 5Sculptor's Room60
44More Chalices!Slide ChaliceChapter 5Tavern60
45Parrot PairsFind PairsChapter 5Tavern30
46Odd Box Out Multiple ChoiceChapter 5Seedy Alley 40
47Magical WindowArrange PartsChapter 5Seedy Alley 25
48Sewer Sneakin'SelectChapter 5Court Entrance30
49A Hot SecretArrange PartsChapter 5Fire Pit Mechanism30
50Tight SqueezeSlideChapter 5Wagon Station50
51Great EscapeSneak PastChapter 5Forest of Lost Way45
52That's Just VineSelectChapter 5Village Outskirts25
53Bridge the GapsKnock Over LogsChapter 5Red Flower Lake40
54Mysterious MixtureMix TogetherChapter 5Shades' Workshop40
55Whodunnit?Arrange PartsChapter 5Great Witch's Room30
56Marionettes 2Make GroupsChapter 6Wagon Station50
57Objectionable LockArrange PartsChapter 6Ruins - Waterway50
58Monster DashDraw PathChapter 6Ruins - Sealed Way20
59Seal of LeviathanArrange PartsChapter 6Ruins - Sealed Way30
60Seal of DespairRotate PathChapter 6Ruins - Sealed Way30
61Seal of SagesArrange PartsChapter 6Ruins - Sealed Way60
62Chess AssaultChessChapter 7Knights' Garrison30
63Enchanted SumsArrange PartsChapter 7Bridge to the Tower30
64The Bell TowerReflect LightChapter 8Inside the Bell Tower70
65Tower of 'tellerArrange PanelChapter 8Tower Ground Floor30
66Tower of 'teller 2Arrange PanelChapter 8Tower Ground Floor40
67Tower of 'teller 3Arrange PanelChapter 8Tower Ground Floor50
68Musical ScoreArrangeChapter 8Storyteller's Room50
69Battle of WitsMemorize PatternChapter 8Tower Terrace70
70The Final SpellFind Hidden PictureEpilogueBell Tower Area90

Downloadable Puzzles[]
