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Professor Layton Wiki

A Bullfighter Puzzle is a puzzle of Layton's Mystery Journey: Real World Puzzle Solving.



🔴 F 🔴 🐂 B 🔴
M 🔴 R 🐂 🐂 I
A K E 🔴 T 🔴
🐂 V 🐂 R 🔴 L
E 🐂 🔴 D 🐂 E
🐂 Y S E 🔴 🐂

When all the bulls have attacked according to the conditions specified below; read from above the letters that have not been passed over.

  • Bulls will attack in a straight line, either vertically or horizontally, directly towards a bullfighter.
  • Bulls cannot cross the path of another bull or a bullfighter.
  • Each bullfighter is attacked by one bull.
Original Spanish version

Cuando todos toros hayen embestido conforme a las condiciones indicadas a continuación, lee desde arriba las letras por las que no hayan pasado.

  • El toro embiste en línea recta, ya sea vertical u horizontal, hacia el torero.
  • El toro no puede atraversar las casillas donde ya haya otro torero o toro.
  • A cada torero solo lo puede embestir un toro.


Solution will be added after some time has passed to allow people to solve it themselves. (4 letters)
