Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
071 - Burger Building 2072 - Bemused Bunnies073 - Counting Sheep

Bemused Bunnies is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy.


Heavy rain has completely messed up the routes that these rabbits usually take when they go home.

Can you rearrange the paths so that the black and white rabbits can go from their current positions to their respective homes? The paths are divided into four panels. It's up to you to arrange them correctly!


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

The first thing you need to do is find panels that allow the two rabbits to leave their current positions.

The only panels that allow the white rabbit to leave its starting position are the ones initially located at the top left and the top right.

The only panels that allow the black rabbit to leave its starting position are the ones initially located at the top left and the bottom right.

The only panel that allows access to the white house is the one initially located in the bottom right.

Combine this piece of information with what you've learned from Hints 2 and 3 and the solution should become apparent.



Too bad.

Take another look at your solution an make sure there aren't any places where the paths don't quite line up.


Nice work!

The black and white rabbits will be able to return to the comfort of their own homes now!
