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Professor Layton Wiki
006 - Pancake Stacks 1007 - Dining Couples008 - Luke's Big Dinner

Dining Couples (Four Couples in the UK version) is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.


US Version

Four couples sit elbow-to-elbow in a crowded dining car. All diners are sitting next to or across from their partners.

  • The Joneses are sitting by the aisle.
  • The mustachioed Mr. O'Connor sits beside his wife.
  • Mr. Lambert sits across from his wife.

Using the information above, can you determine where Mrs. Hadley is sitting? Circle her and touch Submit.

UK Version

Four couples sit in a crowded dining car. All diners are sitting next to or across from their partners:

  • The Joneses are sitting by the aisle.
  • The moustachioed Mr O'Connor is sitting next to his wife.
  • Mr Lambert is sitting opposite his wife.

Using the information above, can you determine where Mrs Hadley is sitting? Circle her and touch Submit.


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

US Version

The mustachioed Mr. O'Connor is b. Seeing how both c and f are men, his wife has to be a.

UK Version

The moustachioed Mr O' Connor is b. Since both c and f are men, his wife has to be a.

US Version

The Joneses are both sitting by the aisle, which means they must be sitting across from each other. Since you know b is Mr. O'Connor, c and g must be Mr. and Mrs. Jones, right?

UK Version

The Joneses are both sitting by the aisle, which means they must be sitting opposite each other.

Since you know b is Mr O' Connor, c and g must be Mr and Mrs Jones.

US Version

So, where is Mr. Lambert in all this? We now know a and b to be O'Connors, so the people sitting across from them must also be couple. But they can't be the Lamberts because the Lamberts have to be sitting across from each other... Keep the above in mind, and you should have everything you need to identify all four of the couples.

UK Version

Where is Mr Lambert in all this?

We now know a and b to be the O'Connors, so the people sitting opposite them must also be a couple. But they can't be the Lamberts because the Lamberts have to be sitting opposite each other.

You should now be able to identify all four couples.



Too bad!

Think hard about the clues you've been given and try again.


That's right!

US Version

Since the mustachioed Mr. O'Connor is sitting beside his wife, both couples on the left must be sitting beside their spouses. Since Mr. Lambert is sitting across from his wife, he must be sitting at the right table. The Joneses are sitting next to the aisle, so they must be c and g. With everyone else identified, you only have the Hadleys to deal with. They are represented by e and f.

UK Version

Moustachioed Mr O'Connor is sitting next to his wife, so all the people on the left must be sitting be sitting next to their spouses. Mr Lambert is sitting opposite his wife, so he must be sitting at the right-hand table.

The Joneses are sitting by the aisle, so they must be c and g. That leaves e and f as the Hadleys.
