Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
042 - Create the Key043 - Making the Cut044 - Find the Clock Tower

Making the Cut is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.


US Version

The piece of wood below is an odd shape that's difficult to work with. Your task is to cut it into two pieces that, when combined, form a square.

Because of the grain of the wood, however, the two pieces can't be flipped or rotated after being cut.

Draw lines that show where to make this cut, then tap Submit.

UK Version

This wooden board is oddly shaped and difficult to work with.

The best solution would be to cut it into two pieces that form a square when they are combined.

However, the grain of the wood means that the two pieces can't be flipped or rotated after being cut.

Draw lines where the board needs to be cut, then touch Submit.


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

US Version

Compare the shape of the strange piece of wood to the square version in the upper-right corner. Keep in mind of the squares on each side in mind. That should give you a good place to start.

UK Version

Compare the shape of your strange wooden board to the square in the top-right corner. Keep the number of little squares along each side in mind. That should give you a good place to start.

US Version

Each side of the square you're trying to make is five squares across. If you keep that in mind, you should be able to figure out where to make your cut.

UK Version

Each side of the square you're trying to make is five little squares. If you bear that in mind, you should be able to work out where to cut.

You may have noticed that you could simply cut a straight line two rows in from the right side and then flip and rotate that piece to make it fit. However, that's against the rules because it would mess up the grain.

US Version

The cut you need to make is a step pattern...

UK Version

The cut you need to make looks like some steps...

From the left edge to the empty square in the bottom-right corner, cut up one square, over to the left one square, then up one more square. That's it!



Too bad!

US Version

The answer is actually pretty simple. Take another look, and try it again.

UK Version

The answer is actually rather simple. Take another look and try again.


Sharp answer!

US Version

That wasn't too hard, right?

UK Version

That wasn't too hard, was it?
