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Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
023 - The Cracked Clock024 - Moonlight Melancholy025 - Taste Test

Moonlight Melancholy is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Last Specter.


US Version

A prince and princess from two countries have fallen deeply in love.

But their two countries are at war, and so the young lovers cannot be together. Tonight, as they gaze at the moon, separated by more than just distance, each sheds a single tear.

Bring them joy by forming a symbol with which to adorn the night sky. You may move and rotate their tears as inspiration.

UK Version

The prince of one country and the princess of a neighbouring country are in love but unable to meet because of tense relations between their two nations. Tonight they both stare at the moon from their bedroom balconies, far apart. As they think of each other, they both shed a tear.

Is there any way to bring them some joy? You can move and rotate their tears to adorn the night sky with a shape that will make them happy.


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

US Version

You need to create a symbol that will bring a smile to their faces.

What kind of shape could make them happy but be formed from such sadness?

UK Version

Try to think of what shape might make them happy. It would have to be a shape with a certain meaning.

US Version

Take a closer look at the shape of their tears.

Don't concern yourself with the moon in the background. It will likely disappear once their tears are gone.

UK Version

Take a close look at the shape of the tears. Also, you don't need to think about the shape of the moon in the background.

When dawn breaks and their tears are dry, the moon will be long forgotten.

US Version

What emblem could bring happiness to two people in love?

Try to form a meaningful shape using the tears of each lovelorn noble.

UK Version

What shape could bring happiness to two people in love?

Try to make a meaningful shape using the tears of each lovelorn noble.

US Version

A heart is the only thing that could bring comfort to this prince and his heartbroken princess.

Try to use the two tears to form a heart in the night sky.

UK Version

A heart is the only thing that could bring comfort to this troubled prince and princess.

Try to use the two tears to form a heart in the night sky.



US Version

Too bad!

Was your symbol presented properly?

UK Version

Too bad.

You must hurry and find a way to stop their tears.



Now their tears are gone. Perhaps they will find happiness after all.
