Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
002 - Tourist Spotting003 - Pick a Package004 - Reloading the Cart

Pick a Package is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Last Specter.


US Version

You have been told to get one of 16 boxes from a stack. The note that describes which box to grab is smudged, so this is all you can make of the details:

- The color of the box on its right is ???
- The color of the box on its left is ???
- The color of the box above it is ???
- It's the same color as the box below it.

Which one box meets this description?

UK Version

You have been sent to collect one of the 16 stacked boxes shown below. Unfortunately, the note describing the location of the box got smudged and you can't read all of the conditions.

Here's what you can make out:

  • The colour of the box on its right is ???
  • The colour of the box on its left is ???
  • The colour of the box above it is ???
  • It's the same colour as the one below it.

Which box could satisfy all these conditions?


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

US Version

The note says that the correct box is the same color as the one below it.

Narrow down your choices to those boxes that fit that description.

UK Version

The note says that the correct box is the same colour as the one below it.

So narrow down your choices to the boxes that fit that description.

US Version

You don't need to know the details that have been smudged out to find the correct box.

It says that the correct box has a box above, below, to the left, and to the right of it.

That should help you further narrow down your choices.

UK Version

The illegible parts of the note aren't important to solving this puzzle.

What is important is that you are looking for a box with other boxes above, to the left and to the right of it.

US Version

Here are two major findings from the note that will help you select the one correct box.

  1. The box below it is the same color.
  2. There are boxes above, below, to the left, and to the right of it.

Which box meets both of these criteria? If you apply both conditions, you'll find the correct box!

UK Version

The note gives you two conditions to look for:

  1. The box below it is the same colour.
  2. The box you are looking for has boxes above it, to its left and to its right.

Look for the box that meets these two conditions.

US Version

If the box has a box above, below, to the right, and to the left of it, you can then rule out all boxes from the top and bottom rows.

You can also rule out any boxes in the leftmost and rightmost columns.

UK Version

There are boxes above, below, to the left and to the right of the box you are looking for.

That means you can rule out boxes in the top and bottom rows, and in the leftmost and rightmost columns.



US Version

Too bad!

Despite the smudges, there are still enough details in the note to help you find the correct box. Take another look, and try it again.

UK Version

Too bad.

Try to work out what information is important. Enough of the note is readable to identify the box you need.


US Version


Though there are five boxes that share the same color as the one below it, only one of those has a box above it and to its right and left.

UK Version

Crate work!

Five boxes are the same colour as the box below them. Of those, only one box has another box above it, on its right and on its left.
