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Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
101 - Likely Lad on Ladders102 - Robot Pause103 - Fathom the Depths

Robot Pause is a puzzle in the Mobile version of Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy. For the puzzle in the Deluxe version of the game, go here.


An enourmous robot is on the rampage! At this rate, it won't only cause damage to the lab, but to the whole city! You should be able to stop it by touching a certain part of the robot that is displayed on the remote control monitor. Touch that part to put a stop to the robot's antics.


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

You are not required to destroy the robot. Study the remote control monitor and touch the area that you think will put a stop to it. You can't afford to fail.

As it says above, you need to STOP the robot.

There should be a button located somewhere on the robot that will stop it. You need to find that button.

There's a power button somewhere.
The robot's hands look interesting.



You did it!

The robot has been silenced. The power button icon on its right hand was an on/off switch. The city was saved from any damage. The lab is another matter.
