Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
001 - Party Crasher002 - The Clock Shop003 - Bus Scheduling

The Clock Shop is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. The puzzle must be solved in order to progress the story.


US Version

Below is a map to the clock shop that accompanied the letter for Future Luke. Using the times on the side of the map as a key, find the shop.

Draw a circle around the correct building and then tap submit.

UK Version

Below is the map to the clock shop that accompanied the letter from Luke's future self. Starting from the yellow arrow, can you find the clock shop using the times listed on the map?

Circle the letter of the correct building and touch Submit.


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

US Version

To figure out the route, you need to know where to turn and in which direction to go, right?

UK Version

To work out the route to the shop, you need to know where to turn, and in which direction...

US Version

Picture the times listed on an analog clock. The minute hand is always pointing straight up, but the hour hand always points in various directions...

UK Version

Imagine the listed times being displayed on an analogue clock. The minute hand is always pointing straight up, but the hour hand points in various directions...

US Version

People who are having trouble might be only thinking about the direction in which to go.

Try facing the map as you might look at a clock on the wall. Then use the Memo function to draw the direction of the memo hand directly on to the map.

UK Version

If you're having trouble, you might be trying to imagine yourself inside the map and working out the directions from there.

Try looking at the map as you would a clock on a wall, then use the Memo Function to draw the direction of the hour hand directly onto the map.

US Version

For each time listed, move in the direction the hour hand would point on an analog clock.

At the first intersection you come to, the time is 12:00, so you have to keep going north. The next time is 3:00, so you've got to head east at the second intersection you come to. You can work out the rest from here.

UK Version

For each time listed, move in the direction the hour hand would point on an analogue clock.

The first time listed is 12:00, so keep going north at the first junction you come to. The next time is 03:00, so you've got to head east at the second junction. You can work out the rest from here.



Too bad!

US Version

The times are a clue for how to get to the shop. Try thinking about it again.

UK Version

The times listed are clues for how to get to the shop. Try thinking about it again.


Good timing!

US Version

The answer is H. The times indicate the direction you should follow at each intersection and the order in which you should take them. For each time listed, the hour hand on an analog clock points in the direction you should go at each intersection.

UK Version

The answer is H. The times indicate which direction to go at each junction, and are written in order.

At each junction, you need to check the listed time and proceed in the direction a clock's hour hand would point.
