This area contains a cluster of legendary ancient stones. The research of one famous archaeologist suggests that these stones were once used for fortune telling. If someone managed to topple all the stones by pushing over just one of them, it would guarantee healthy crops that year.
Hearing of the legend, a farmer decided to give it a go. This photograph was taken immediately before he selected his stone.
Start by picking a stone at random and imagining what would happen if you pushed it over.
If the trail of topping stones gets stopped by another stone at some point, try seeing what would happen if you started by pushing the stone that halted your progress.
That's right - you'll need to do a lot of visualising to solve this puzzle.
You've no doubt visualised a fair few ways the stones will fall, depending on which one is pushed, and come across a problem: the three stones facing the centre. Not only will they not knock any other stones over, their positioning makes it difficult to knock them all over. Unless...
Is there another stone that would guarantee toppling these three stones and all the rest?
Look closely at the centre of the picture. Is there anything you notice? Look at the lighting in particular.
The size and orientation of the shadow in the centre of the picture is quite unusual. What could it be?
Whatever it is that's casting the shadow in the centre of the image must be absolutely enormous.
Maybe it's that thing at the top right of the picture. That looks as though it could be big enough to cast a huge shadow like that.
Too bad.
Inspect the photograph very closely - every nook and cranny...
A bumper harvest for you!
Pushing over the huge rock at the top right is guaranteed to make all the others topple over.