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Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki
015 - Fix the Fossil016 - Wandering Watches017 - Busted Umbrella

Wandering Watches is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.


US Version

Four people are talking at the end of a very enjoyable evening party. Comparing watches, they realize that none of them have the correct time.

A: "My watch is always 20 minutes slow!"
B: "This old thing is 10 minutes slow."
C: "I set mine 5 minutes fast!"
D: "Mine is 10 minutes fast."

What time is it?

UK Version

Four people are talking at the end of a very enjoyable evening party. Comparing watches, they realise that none of them have the correct time.

A: "My watch is always 20 minutes slow!"
B: "This old thing is 10 minutes slow."
C: "I set mine 5 minutes fast!"
D: "Mine is 10 minutes fast."

What time is it?


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

Start by ordering the different watch times shown from the latest time to the earliest.

Now how does that relate to the four people's statement?

The fastest watch reads 1:35, and the slowest one reads 1:05.

The person with the slowest watch is A, and the one with the fastest watch is D.

As long as you start with either the slowest or fastest watch, the answer should be clear.

A has the slowest watch, and it says 1:05.

A's watch is 20 minutes slow.

A's watch reads 1:05.

So what's the correct time?



Too bad.

Compare the times on the top screen with the statement made by each person.



It's 1:25 in the morning! It was a nice evening, but it's time to go home to bed.
