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Professor Layton Wiki

Seymour Fraymes is a character appearing in Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy. He is a projectionist in the Saveloy theatre.



Mr. Fraymes is a skinny young man with a middle part black haircut and faded sides. He wears a red neckerchief, a black vest over a white shirt, black pants and black shoes.


He is very passionate for his job. However, he does not care about the movies themselves, only the machines used to project them. He loves these objects so much that he gives names to them.


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Only read this section after finishing the game! Click to skip spoilers.

Seymour Fraymes' pet myna bird The Major had defecated on the film reel before the premier of Maverick D. Rector's latest movie "A Naval Advance: No Sub for Love". As a result, he had to cut off the stained section of the reel, making the film reach an abrupt end before the final scene with the protagonists kissing. The reel was later fixed and everyone could see the ending.

Spoilers end here


Millionaires' Conspiracy[]

Seymour Fraymes Profile

A projectionist who works at the Saveloy Theatre. He's absolutely crazy about his projection equipment. He's even named it! He also loves his pet myna bird called The Major.


  • His name comes from the phrase "see more frames"; a reference to his job as a movie projectionist.