Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

Steam Bison is a city and the main location in Professor Layton and the New World of Steam. It is located somewhere in the United States of America. The city was invented by the genius inventor Mr. Eggmuffin. The city features noteworthy distinctive features, such as steam-powered machines, gears, pipes, gas-lamps, chimneys and transports such as Zeppelins, cars, busses and trams with chimneys, steam horses, a steam elephant and a bipedal transport.


Luke Triton moved here with his family after the events of Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, where he has gained some popularity as "Detective Luke", having solved various riddles within the town. After receiving Luke's Letter, Professor Layton travels to Steam Bison via Zeppelin, where he meets him once again.


Gadget Street[]

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Tram Depot[]

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Eggmuffin Workshop[]

When Professor Layton and Luke Triton try to find the Eggmuffin Workshop, Mojaro informs them it is a large building nearby, recognisable by the gears all over it, but that the entrance is hard to find and he then writes them a memo. The memo turns out to be Puzzle 017, The Enigmatic Entrance.
