Professor Layton Wiki
Professor Layton Wiki

Hi! Good job whoever though of this article, it's a really good idea.

But, wouldn't it be easier to have the reference time sometime we know the ages of the characters, like Eternal Diva (Layton 34, Luke 10, Emmy 24, Janice 23, Grosky 48) or Miracle Mask? Or maybe UF (Layton 37, and flashbacks fit nicely in 10 years ago, 20 years ago) ?

Also some details, Luke was born before Claire died (he's around 13 in UF and accident 10 years ago), and Alfendi was born before UF, as he's 28-29 around LMJ (cause the epilogue is about Lucy starting to work with him), and that is set around 23 years after UF. ^^"Hija de Ashalanti (talk) 18:39, February 18, 2019 (UTC)
